The law provides for protection means of your intellectual property against infringements. The offender may be subjected to civil, administrative and criminal liability

Rights holders have various avenues available to them for addressing violations, including remedies that are applicable to all types of civil rights and those specifically designed for intellectual property cases.

One of the most commonly employed remedies is to seek legal recourse through the court system. By initiating legal proceedings, rights holders can request the court to identify and cease the infringing actions. Additionally, they can seek compensation for the damages caused by the violations, as well as request the imposition of fines and other forms of financial restitution to be paid to the rights holder, as stipulated by relevant laws.

In instances where unscrupulous competition arises from other market players, economic entities also have the option to approach antimonopoly bodies. These specialized organizations are equipped to address issues related to unfair competition and can take appropriate actions to ensure a level playing field and protect the rights of businesses.

Furthermore, in cases where the infringement of intellectual property rights has severe consequences or when repeated violations of intellectual property laws are evident, law enforcement agencies may become involved. In addition to civil, administrative, and criminal liabilities, law enforcement agencies can take measures to deal with offenders and mitigate the impact of such violations.

It is worth noting that the choice of remedy depends on the specific circumstances of each case. Rights holders should consult with legal professionals experienced in intellectual property law to determine the most appropriate course of action for their particular situation. By leveraging the available remedies, rights holders can effectively safeguard their intellectual property rights and seek redress for any infringements they may encounter.
